Full Tummy Tuck in Orange County and Los Angeles
The most commonly performed tummy tuck, sometimes referred to as the “full tummy tuck,” is the procedure that addresses the entirety of your abdomen. The full tummy tuck is the typical tummy tuck procedure that is performed on the majority of patients who seek abdominal contour correction. This tummy tuck technique is suitable for patients who have moderate degree of upper abdominal tissue laxity and significant lower abdominal tissue excess and laxity. Many mothers fall into this group of patients. The dividing point between the upper and lower abdomen is considered to be the navel, also known as the umbilicus. If there is loose abdominal skin and tissue above the navel, then a full tummy tuck can be performed.
The full tummy tuck involves a series of separate components, including:
- Removal of Excess Skin and Tissue in the Lower Abdomen
- Optional Removal of Waist Fat (Liposuction in the Love Handles or Stomach)
- Muscle Tightening for Loose or Separated Abdominal Muscles
- Reshaping the Belly, Including the Belly Button
The surgery begins with making the lower tummy tuck incision at the junction between the lower abdomen and the pubic region (also known as the mons). Depending on who is performing your tummy tuck surgery, the incision can sometimes be seen above an underwear or your bikini and spans from one side of the hip to the other. In our practice, the tummy tuck incision is placed about 1 inch lower than in the standard technique and lies within the pubic area. In fact, the upper one inch of pubic hair is often lost as the result of the our tummy tuck incision being placed so low. Our tummy tuck incisions are made lower in order to in avoid visible scarring and to be covered in a bikini. Next, the lower abdominal skin and fat are then lifted over the abdominal muscle wall. An additional incision is then made around the belly button. The abdominal skin and fat of the upper abdomen is then lifted all the way to the rib cage.
At this point, abdominal muscle laxity and separation are assessed and marked for correction. Dr. Agha next performs tightening of the abdominal muscles with sutures at the midline in order to correct for the abdominal muscle wall laxity and to create a flatter and tighter abdominal wall. It is the abdominal muscle wall tightening procedure that create a flatter abdominal wall and thus a flatter abdomen. Also, in the hands of an expert tummy tuck surgeon such as Dr. Agha, the abdominal muscle tightening can be done in such as way as to enhance waist concavity in most women. For most patients, abdominal muscle laxity is performed vertically in the midline, brining together the separated abdominal rectus muscles back to their normal position or even overlapping them slightly. However, in addition to midline tightening, sometimes it is necessary to tighten the abdominal muscle further obliquely on each side or horizontally. For post weight loss patients or anyone who has an abdominal hernia, this is also the time when hernias can be addressed.
Next, the excess abdominal skin and fat are excised. Again for most full tummy tuck cases, the level of incision is typically at the level of the navel so that the old navel opening can be removed. Once completed, the skin is “tucked” which means the upper abdominoplasty incision is pulled down to meet the lower incision. Dr. Agha will then cut a new belly button opening, which in our office is a vertically oriented elliptical navel (compared to the shield shaped naval or a round navel) that has been recognized as a youthful and beautiful navel shape in aesthetic surgery. The navel will then be brought out and sutured to the new navel opening. He will then continue to sculpt the abdomen and flanks with careful use of liposuction.
Finishing Off Your Full Tummy Tuck in Orange County
A full tummy tuck procedure lasts from 2.5 to 3 hours and may be performed in a surgery center or hospital setting. Most patients are able to go home or to a recovery facility the same day.
At Tummy Tuck Orange County, which serves all of Southern California including Newport Beach, Los Angeles, San Diego, Anaheim, Irvine, Huntington Beach, Riverside and more, our tummy tuck surgeries have excellent outcomes, great reviews, and a beautiful look that you are certain to love. If you’d like to learn more about our Orange County tummy tuck services, call us today at .
Tummy Tuck Results in Newport Beach, Orange County
As you age, the desire to have the flat, healthy abdomen of your youth, may lead you to consider a tummy tuck procedure. Although there are many plastic surgeons in Newport Beach and Orange County areas, the result of your tummy tuck is 100% dependent on who your chose as your plastic surgeon. Your plastic surgery results is not dependent on referrals, reviews, or cost of the procedure, but what your surgeon is able to create and deliver to you as well as how you care for the surgery post-operatively. Choosing a board certified plastic surgeon who specializes in body contouring should definitely enhance your results and reduce risks of potential complications. As such expert, Dr. Agha specializes in creating beautiful, flat abdomens that are youthful, aesthetically pleasing, and designed to last for years with proper care. His high-definition, low-cut, sculpted tummy tuck results are some of the best in the world, with traveling from many areas across Orange County and Los Angeles to have him as their surgeon.
Dr. Agha performs tummy tucks for both men and women. You can find a sample of his Orange County abdominoplasty results in the before and after gallery, and see all of the different styles and final appearances of his patients, along with information regarding the type of tummy tuck (high-definition tummy tuck, full tummy tuck, mini tummy tuck, liposuction tummy tuck, extended tummy tuck, circumferential tummy tuck, and more), as well as an idea of the purpose behind each tummy tuck procedure, the location of the incisions, and much more.
Excellent Tummy Tuck Results from Dr. Agha
Dr. Agha is a board certified plastic surgeon with a very high patient satisfaction rate that delivers outstanding results for all of his patients. An Orange County tummy tuck from Dr. Agha will be natural in appearance, healthy, and involve the minimal amount of scarring as possible. If you’re interested in learning more about Dr. Agha and his tummy tuck patients, call us today at .
Orange County Tummy Tuck Costs
It takes a considerable amount of training, skill, expertise, and vision to perform plastic surgery that you can be proud of. At The Aesthetic Centers of OC, board certified plastic surgeon, Dr. Agha has become one of the most well respected experts in aesthetic plastic surgery and body contouring field, as the creator of the high definition, low-cut tummy tuck and a skilled provider of a variety of tummy tuck techniques.
Before you decide which abdominoplasty technique is right for you, it’s important to consider tummy tuck costs. It is very rare for insurance to cover a cosmetic tummy tuck outside of a panniculectomy, and even a panniculectomy will only be covered if the patient struggles with skin, hernia, ulcers, or other disorders related to the excess skin and fat.
What Are the Costs of a Tummy Tuck in Orange County?
Tummy tuck costs are dependent on many different factors. To start with, tummy tuck costs varies for the different types of tummy tucks. For example, the cost of a mini tummy tuck will be less than the cost of an extended or circumferential tummy tuck. Furthermore, tummy tuck costs are influenced by the body type, the amount of surgery needed, the time that the surgery will take in the operating room, the anesthesiologist fee, and the operating room fees. Adding other surgeries such as liposuction will also affect the final estimate for the tummy tuck procedure. At the Aesthetic Centers of OC, Dr. Agha and his team will give you a full cost breakdown after your first consultation, so that you can decide which procedure is best for you and budget it accordingly. If the cost of the abdominoplasty is too high for your budget, we can discuss financing options for the procedure.
- Full Tummy Tuck – The most common type of abdominoplasty is the full tummy tuck. The average cost for this type of tummy tuck in the Orange County and Los Angeles area is between $8000 and $9,500.
- Mini Tummy Tuck – Better for those on a budget but not necessarily right for those that need more significant work, the mini tummy tuck has an average cost in Southern California of between $4,000 and $5,000.
- Liposuction Tummy Tuck – Sometimes referred to as lipoabdominoplasty, the costs of the liposuction tummy tuck are not necessarily much more than a full tummy tuck. The average cost is between $8,000 and $10,000.
- Extended Tummy Tuck – Extended tummy tucks are more significant procedures. They are for those that require excess skin and fat removal that extends beyond the abdomen, onto the hips. The extended tummy tuck costs between $8,500 and $10,500.
- Circumferential Tummy Tuck – The cost of a belt lipectomy is more than a full tummy tuck because it involves additional procedures. The rough estimate for this type of procedure is about $4,000 more than a traditional tummy tuck – somewhere between $11,000 and $13,000.
Keep in mind that your tummy tuck may be less or more than others due to age, health, assessment of procedures, and more.
Get a Personalized Tummy Tuck Cost for Your Body Type
If you’d like to get an assessment of the costs of your Orange County tummy tuck, and you live anywhere in Southern California, including Newport Beach (where our office is located), Los Angeles, San Diego, Santa Ana, Irvine, and more, give us a call today. We are happy to discuss the estimated costs of your tummy tuck, as well as provide you with a complete assessment as to which abdominoplasty option is right for you. Give us a call today to learn more.
Tummy Tuck Recovery | How to Maximize Tummy Tuck Outcomes and Safety
The tummy tuck or abdominoplasty is one of the most effective and popular plastic surgery procedures available for improving the look of your abdomen. Through skin and fat removal, liposuction, and the reshaping your body, the tummy tuck provides a flat, healthier looking belly that is certain to improve your self-confidence, especially after weight loss or pregnancy.
Dr. Agha is a world renowned expert in body contouring procedures such as various types of tummy tucks in Orange County, and has created his own pioneered high-definition tummy tuck procedure. His artistic vision and skilled hands can craft an abdomen that is enchanting on many levels. Yet it’s not just the surgery that is important – it’s also the recovery period, including how you care for yourself, how you care for the surgery, and more that affects the final outcome of your beautifully completed tummy tuck.
Tummy Tuck Recovery Tips and What to Expect
There are different types of tummy tuck surgery, so recovery time and care are going to be different depending on the type of surgery performed, and whether it was combined with other procedures. Make sure you take your post-operative care information seriously, as the tips and advice will improve outcomes and reduce distress and discomfort throughout the process. Because there are different types of tummy tucks, the information given by Dr. Agha may be different than the information below.
What to Expect Immediately After Surgery
Once the tummy tuck is completed, you should expect to feel a bit groggy from the surgery, which is why it is strongly recommended that you have a caregiver for the first 24 hours, to simply watch over you and help you with travel and basic needs. Most patients are generally able to care for themselves after a few days, but after such a significant procedure, it is better to have someone to assist you.
In the operating room, you will be placed into an abdominal binder or compression garment. This binder is to be worn for an average of 4 to 6 weeks, and only taken off for brief periods to shower, change clothes, etc. It should otherwise be kept on at all times. The purpose of this compression garment is to reduce swelling and close any of the “tunnels” in fat that were created via liposuction. From the moment you wake up in the recovery room, the compression binder will be on. You will also have drains that will be removed by the 14th day after surgery.
Possible Discomfort After Tummy Tuck Surgery
The first week after a tummy tuck is not uncommon to experience some discomfort. Nausea and soreness are to be expected, especially after the first few days. Dr. Agha can discuss medication options that are safe for reducing pain and nausea. You may be a candidate for a Pain Pump, which is a popular pain reduction tool used by Dr. Agha in his Orange County plastic surgery office.
The compression binder can also cause its own discomforts, which include trouble getting a deep breath and a feeling of tightness around the body. If these are significant problems, contact Dr. Agha to discuss options.
You should also expect swelling around the abdomen. It takes as long as 4 to 6 weeks for the swelling to subside, which will make it a bit harder to see results at first. Once the swelling goes away, it will become easier.
Start Strategies to Reduce Scarring and Risk
As soon as you get home, Dr. Agha will provide you with strategies and information to reduce complications and aid in healing. For example, it is important to start walking for about 100 yards every few hours the next day after surgery. This helps improve blood flow, and decreases some of the side effect of surgery.
You should also sleep propped up your back, and bend your legs slightly to reduce pressure on the abdominal incision. This method of sleeping will prevent you from pulling on the closed incision, which in turn may help reduce the likelihood of significant visible scarring. It is also recommended that you take a few weeks off work to give your body time to heal, and that you avoid any sports, activities, or situations that may raise your blood pressure or put your wound at risk, as these can cause bleeding that may lead to hematoma, and other recovery issues.
You will also be given information about Enhanced Recovery Nutritional Supplements. Dr. Agha is a firm believer that nutrition will help reduce complications and aid in recovery, including a reduction of scarring. These supplements will give your body some of the nutrients that they need in order to continue to heal effectively.
Attend All Follow Up Appointments
Finally, attending follow up appointments is crucial. At these appointments, Dr. Agha can make sure that your body is healing correctly and that you are receiving the final look that you want. Appointments start 5 days after surgery, and repeated every week depending on the recommendation of Dr. Agha.
Dr. Agha has performed tummy tucks in Orange County for years, and we are confident that you will love your results. If you’re interested in learning more about the tummy tuck recovery process, call Tummy Tuck Orange County today at .
Tummy Tuck Complications | Abdominoplasty Risks and Considerations
The tummy tuck is by far one of the most popular, and safest plastic surgery procedures. But plastic surgery is still surgery, and all surgeries carry risks. It’s important to weigh these risks when you consider your tummy tuck and mommy makeover, because you want to be certain that the risks associated with abdominoplasty are worth the perceived reward.
Tummy Tuck Risks and Complications
Dr. Agha has performed hundreds of tummy tucks and related procedures with excellent outcomes. But there is always a risk to surgery. Some of the complications associated with a tummy tuck include:
- Significant Scarring – Most patients that go through a tummy tuck are willing to trade scars for a flatter, healthier looking abdomen. But significant, less aesthetically pleasing scarring is a risk, especially if you are a smoker, prone to scarring or experience any complications. Pressure on the wound can affect scarring as well. Scarring is not always predictable, which means that even a perfect suture may result in abnormal or asymmetrical scarring in a way the patient finds unattractive. Know your body, and be prepared for any scars.
- Poor Wound Healing and Bleeding – Bleeding is also a risk, as is the develop-ment of a hematoma (coagulated blood that forms under the skin and is sensitive to the touch). High blood pressure, smoking, overuse of aspirin and similar medications (especially before the procedure), poor health or clotting inability, and excessive physical activity can all lead to bleeding and healing risks. It’s very important that you discuss your habits with your doctor, and follow post-operative advice to reduce this risk.
- Risks of Anesthesia – Both general and local anesthesia carry risks as well. It’s important that you speak with your anesthesiologist about the risks of anesthesia, as well as your health, your history with surgery, and other issues that can affect the safety of being put to sleep during surgery.
- Excess Fluid – You may also be at risk for fluid accumulation. Though rare, body fluids may accumulate underneath the skin after a major operation, like a tummy tuck. Dr. Agha uses a drainage system after surgery to reduce fluid accumulation, but if you notice that the swelling appears greater than you expected, or there are signs of fluid accumulation in the body, it may be necessary to contact Dr. Agha for drainage.
- Infection – Dr. Agha has years of experience and was trained at prestigious medical universities on safe wound closure, so risk of infection is very low. However, the tummy tuck also involves significant incisions, and if bacteria does get in the wound or the wound opens, infection is a risk. Minor infections can usually be controlled with a oral antibiotic and basic care. You can reduce the risk of infection with proper wound care. Make sure you talk to Dr. Agha, Orange County tummy tuck surgeon, about how you can fight the risk of infections.
- Nerve/Pain Issues – A very rare tummy tuck complication is damage to the nerves or pain sensors. In some cases, a nerve can get stuck under the healing skin and cause chronic pain. Nerves may also experience damage, especially if the wound doesn’t heal properly, and that may cause issues with tingling, sensitivity, or numbness.
- Blood Clots – Every invasive surgery carries the very rare risk of developing blood clots, including pulmonary and deep vein thrombosis. Numerous steps are taken to reduce this risk, and surgical techniques have improved dramatically to ensure that DVT and other blood clot issues do not occur, but all surgeries carry the risk of DVT and pulmonary emboli, which may be life threatening. If you believe you may be suffering from any of these issues, call 911 immediately.
- Final Appearance –Every body is different, and everyone responds differently to surgery depending on expectations, health, healing ability, and more. Even if you love your results, age, problems with skin laxity, pregnancy, weight gain or loss, and more can all continue to alter the results. Dr. Agha takes great care to ensure perfection, but there is always the risk that you will not find the results ideal.
Potential tummy tuck patients in Orange County are advised to consider these risks and complications before they elect for surgery. For many, the tummy tuck still represents a substantial improvement to self esteem and body image, and is the right choice for your aesthetic goals. If you’d like to learn more, call Tummy Tuck Orange County today at .