Tubular Breast Deformity
Tubular breasts, referred to as tuberous breasts, is a congenital deformity that can occur when the breasts do not fully develop. This developmental disorder causes the breasts to be long and narrow, appearing oval as opposed to round. Tubular breasts are not round and the nipples hang low. They lack lower pole breast tissue, as well as skin, and have a tight inframammary fold. The distance from the nipple to the fold is incredibly short. The nipple-areola complex, the pigmented area around the nipple, is abnormally large in diameter, and may be herniated or bulging. Tubular breasts can be large or small with varying breast tissue volume. They may be symmetrical or asymmetrical, and one breast may be more malformed than the other. Women with tubular breasts often suffer from self-image problems, so breast reconstruction may be desired.
During the growth period of the breasts, if the breasts fail to fully develop and grow proportionally, tubular breasts can develop because of a lack of lower pole breast tissue and a high inframammary fold. Usually the breasts begin high on the chest and are widely spaced apart. They form a narrow, tube shape. Because the top of the breast is flat and the skin tighter, developing breast tissue is forced through the upper portion of the breast to the lower, looser portion, which causes the nipple-areola complex to be oversized and puffy.
Treatment for tubular breasts in Orange County is a little complicated, as it involves multiple procedures. Correcting tubular breasts requires using a silicone or saline breast implant to expand the lower portion of the breast, lowering the inframammary fold and reducing the nipple-areola complex bulge. The incisions and subsequent scars are similar to those created from breast augmentation surgery. In addition, scarring occurs around the circumference of the nipple-areola complex. Though correction of tubular breasts is a bit involved, this deformity typically leaves women self-conscious, so surgery is often sought after.
Since tubular breast correction surgery typically requires the use of breast implants, please visit the breast augmentation pages to learn more about the ins and outs of the procedure. These pages will go over the safety of implants, types of implants, implant placement, recovery following surgery and potential complications that could occur from breast augmentation or tuberous breast correction.
Tubular breast correction surgery can be challenging and requires expertise. The surgery can be completed in a single or multiple stage operation, which depends on the degree of tuberous deformity and breast asymmetry