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Mini Tummy Tuck | Mini Abdominoplasty in Newport Beach, Orange County

Tummy tucks are one of the most effective procedures for adding healthy, youthful shape to the body. But not everyone needs to undergo a full tummy tuck. Some people have bellies that have developed only a small amount of extra skin and fat that cannot be eliminated through diet and exercise. For those individuals, the answer might be a mini abdominoplasty, which most people refer to as a “mini-tummy tuck.” This procedure is an ideal choice for individuals that do not require as significant a surgery, and can help both women and men achieve a tighter abdomen to correct what diet and exercise cannot eliminate.

What is a Mini Tummy Tuck?

As the name implies, a mini tummy tuck is simply a lesser version of the full tummy tuck. Yet unlike the full tummy tuck, a mini tummy tuck is mostly provided for those with abdomens that are close to their goal look, but are struggling with some extra skin and fat of the lower abdominal region. You and Dr. Agha will have to decide if a mini tummy tuck is right for you. If you are a good candidate, you will prefer a mini tummy tuck over a standard tummy tuck for the following reasons:

  • There is Less Cutting and thus Scarring – The primary benefit of this type of procedure is that scarring is minimized, thanks to a smaller incision that is often placed low down on the pubic region by Dr. Agha. The length of the mini tummy tuck incision is typically slightly longer than a C-section incision but shorter than a full tummy tuck incision. Dr. Agha customizes each incision according to what the patient needs and desires.
  • Same Naval – If the idea of a “new naval opening and shape” bothers you, the mini tummy tuck provides a better solution. Candidates generally have lower abdominal skin laxity and excess only so naval repositioning and upper abdominal skin tuck is not necessary with this procedure.
  • Less Detachment and Risk – Mini tummy tucks are smaller surgeries. Less skin and tissue are excised, the abdominal wall requires no or less tightening, and the entire procedure generally takes less than 2 hours.

Again, mini tummy tucks are for those that have some degree of skin laxity, but limited to mostly below the naval. In many patients, Dr. Agha uses liposuction with a mini tummy tuck to help even out and shape other abdominal areas such as the waist and to liposculpt the abdomen to a more three dimensional form. In some cases, the mini tummy tuck can be completed under local anesthesia with sedation only.

Mini Tummy Tuck by Dr. Agha

The Aesthetic Centers of OC is proud to be your best choice for mini tummy tucks in Orange County. Directed by Board-certified plastic surgeon who is internationally renowned for breast and body contouring, Dr. Agha, many of our patients travel from all over Southern California including Irvine, Anaheim, Huntington Beach, Santa Ana, as well as San Diego and Los Angeles.

Tummy tucks are work of art. When a surgeon is working on the abdomen, they have to be able to envision the final results long before they finish the procedure, and make sure the incision is symmetrical and correctly placed in order to achieve the best possible results.

Dr. Agha has become the leading source of all types of tummy tucks in Orange County, helping many men and women who are unsatisfied with their abdominal shape every year. Our procedures are safe, and Dr. Agha’s vision allows him to make sure that you love your new abdominal contour upon completion. If you’d like learn more about Dr. Agha’s mini tummy tuck procedures, call us today at .

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Mon-Fri: 9:00am - 5:00pm

Have your plastic surgery with one of the most respected and desired plastic surgeons in SoCal, Dr. Siamak Agha Internationally Renowned Board-Certified Plastic Surgeon with 20 years of experience in Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery. He practices and lives in Newport Beach, California. Get a private and personalized consultation at our beautiful practice in Newport Beach, CA.

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