Custom Buttock Reshaping Options
As an expert in Buttocks Reshaping with one of the largest buttock plastic surgery galleries in the USA, Dr. Agha offers fuller, rounder and or lifted buttocks via:
- Brazilian Butt Lift (buttock fat transfer / lipo-augmentation)
- Buttock Augmentation With Implants
- Buttock Lift With Fat Pad Augmentation
- BBL Reversal

High-definition Brazilian Butt Lift
A Brazilian butt lift is truly an ingenious procedure that accomplishes two goals. It removes fat from unwanted places such as love-handles, abdomen, and back, and transfers the fat into a wanted location, i.e. the buttocks. Although the procedures sounds simple, the outcome of a Brazilian butt lift is more dependent on the technique of your selected plastic surgeon.
Dr. Agha, a physician scientist with research interest in fat and stem cells and a PhD in Molecular Biology, has established his own approach to both the surgical and scientific aspects of this procedure. He has put together his many years of Brazilian butt lift experience into creation of his pioneered High-Definition Brazilian Butt Lift technique. Like his high-definition tummy tuck™, the principal of the high-definition is creation of the third dimension of projection or depth.
In the hands of Dr. Agha, a body sculpting expert, liposuction is not only used to remove unwanted fat from various areas, but it is also employed to sculpt curvature and definitions into a patient’s body. Liposuction of the love-handles and waist can greatly enhance the physique of a woman’s body by creating an hour glass look while liposculpture of the lower back enhances lower back concavity and brings out the back definition.
It is thus important that the liposculpture is done in a V-shape so that the upper edge of the buttocks is beautifully and naturally re-created. Dr. Agha liposuctions the fat using gold-standard tumescent liposuction. This liposuction modality is the least damaging to the fat which is made up of billions of fat and stem cells among other cell types. Dr. Agha performs his liposuction using specific gentle liposuction cannulas and under low-pressure. This is done in order to preserve survival of the fat cells. The fat cells are then washed and cleaned off of any damaged fat cells, fluids, or blood. Pure, processed fat cells are then carefully injected into the buttocks as minute droplets while shaping the buttock cheeks. This is again important to the survival of the newly transplanted fat cells. A perkier, fuller, lifted buttocks with concavity of the lower back and waist is the whole-mark of the final high-definition Brazilian butt lift technique of Dr. Agha.

Buttock Lift With Fat Pad Augmentation
When a patient has a large degree of lower back skin laxity and buttocks sagging, then neither a Brazilian butt lift nor butt implants are great options. For these patients, an actual traditional buttock lift is needed to correct for sagging of the buttocks. Dr. Agha achieves fuller buttocks with the use of a combination of lower back fat pads as well as fat transfer.
To learn more about your various options, make an appointment to meet with Dr. Agha and take advantage of his vast experience in not only buttocks augmentation, but also in buttocks lift, buttocks reshaping, and even buttocks reduction.

Buttock Augmentation With Implants
Although the majority of our patients desire a Hi-Def Brazilian Butt Lift, not everyone is a suitable candidate for this splendid procedure. For those who do not have enough fat, Dr. Agha uses buttock implants to achieve buttock augmentation.
While many surgeons make an incision for each side, Dr. Agha uses a single hidden incision in your buttocks crease for placement of both buttock implants.
For optimal results, Dr. Agha feels that liposculpting of the patient’s lower back and areas surrounding the buttocks is as important as buttocks augmentation itself to unveil the newly augmented buttocks shape.